Woodworm and Timber Infestation

Rentacure offers a complete range of treatments covering woodworm and other forms of timber infestation.

Wood-boring insect attack can cause structural damage in buildings. There are a number of wood-boring insects that attack timber in properties in the U.K. – woodworm is a description commonly and loosely applied to all wood-boring beetles.

Common woodwormThe life cycle of the wood-boring beetle is normally always near completion before most property owners are even aware they have a problem. After mating, the female beetle will lay her eggs into cracks and on the rough surfaces of the structural timbers, which will then hatch and begin tunnelling into the timber.

The number of eggs and larval stage of the beetle will vary according to the species. Larvae will pupate and after several weeks the adult beetles will develop and commence boring their way out of the timber to mate. After mating the female beetle will again lay her eggs on the timber and the life cycle starts again.

The Solution

Rentacure have over three decades of experience in the treatment of these insect pests. Our fully trained and experienced surveyors will correctly determine whether treatment is necessary in the first place – the wrong identification of the insect can often lead to costly and unnecessary solutions.

Our Surveyors will identify:

  • The type of insect and extent of the infestation
  • Whether the infestation is active or inactive
  • How much structural damage, if any, has occurred

Following Inspection
We will draw up the correct specification for the elimination of the infestation, and state any special requirements for difficult pests, for example the Death Watch Beetle or House Longhorn.

Rentacure can carry out remedial work ranging from spray treatment for the common furniture beetle, drilling in to timbers for the treatment of death watch beetle, and in-situ beam repairs to strengthen affected timber.

Technical Information

Woodworm holesThe three most common wood-boring insects are:

Common Furniture Beetle
By far the most common insect estimated to infest about 75% of properties in the United Kingdom. All buildings over 30 years old are susceptible to infestation by this insect.

Death Watch Beetle
This insect confines itself to infesting large sectioned hardwoods, often associated with an attack of Wet Rot.

Wood-boring Weevils
Wood Weevil is an insect that prefers extreme damp conditions and decay. Chemical treatment is therefore not always necessary as dry timbers will not be affected by Weevil.

Contact Rentacure Ltd today on 01993 771632 or Freephone 0800 317763 for a free quotation.

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